Halloween is right around the corner and the newest trend of the last several years is to dress as a family, so I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to research a few ideas to win that best-dressed costume!
TopGun. This will be our pick this year. The flight suit and pilot theme movie vibe sums up our family (my dad is a pilot). This is a great idea for those kiddos who don't like masks, headpieces, or makeup and glasses are optional.

2. The Incredibles. This Pixar movie theme is easy and there is no fighting over who is who because everyone wears the same costume. Not everyone needs to wear a mask!

3. Shark Attack. We dressed like this when Ellis was just little, it was super easy and not super expensive! The great thing about this outfit ensemble is that anyone can be any character of the gruesome scene.

4. Game Day Essentials. For a more prominent family, this is great! When we did this my husband was the coach, I was the biggest fan, Ellis was the football player, and Zyler was the football. If the twins wanted to join in then Isla could've been the cheerleader and Jax another player. The team could've grown larger with other fans, players, coaches, and cheerleaders. It's really cheap and easy!

5. Ghostbusters. Ellis and I did this for a party. I never did get a picture of me but Ellis looked cute as a button. This outfit was great because it went overtop of his regular clothes and it never seemed to bother him.

Or Maybe You Just Enjoy the Holiday
Maybe Halloween isn't your thing and that's fine! It doesn't have to be, but finding a simple yet perfect costume for your sensory-seeking kid can be really easy with a little creativity. Or maybe your child just goes as themselves and enjoys the sensory overload of Halloween. Whatever you and your family choose remember your decision is yours and never feel bad about that!
Happy Halloween!
