What are Wellness Trends? Why are they Important?
Wellness is a booming industry worth trillions of dollars. According to The Global Wellness Institute, in 2023, the industry had a net worth of $6.3 trillion. Since the COVID pandemic, people have been actively focused on eliminating illness and chronic disease, especially in major cities. The shift in mental health alone has been astronomical, and wellness apps, especially fitness trackers, have increased users by 40%. The importance of wellness trends today gears towards longevity and self-care which is great since the pharmaceutical markets and food industries are making most people sicker.
What Does Wellness Mean?

Wellness for me means a lot of things but for most, it falls within the categories of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
Physical health is movement and movement patterns. Humans were meant to move, however, our population tends to sit because of that 9-5 workflow. We are sedentary for the most part but our ancestors were not. The importance of movement is one of the first steps to eliminating disease.
Mental health used to be taboo, but in the last several years it has taken the forefront in primetime media. Meditation, mental stamina, mindfulness, and protecting our brains are crucial for longevity and a happier life.
Spiritual health can have many different meanings for different people and choosing a path that works for you is important. What you believe in matters. Whether it's Christianity, Buddhism, or a combination of many things it's up to you to have something to believe in to promote happiness and a greater sense of purpose.
Lastly, emotional health is crucial for happiness, and happiness results in longevity. In the documentary called The Blue Zones, the narrator discusses the importance of socializing and being with friends. The happier and more social someone is in their life has been shown to increase the willingness to live a fulfilling life and that's extremely important.
In this post, we are going to discuss trends. Trends are variables that change with time and if you know the wellness industry it is constantly evolving. Trends and fads come and go, but some are worth the hype, time, and money. So, we are going to discuss the ones that are worth your wild.
Discovering Mindfulness
"Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us", according to mindful.com. When we practice mindfulness we are working on our inner workings and self.
What are some types of mindfulness practices?
Daily meditation: is a process of allowing your mind to quiet to fine calmness and awareness
Quiet moments: Taking the time to appreciate the simple moments.
Grounding: Connecting to Earth through electrical charge.
Journaling: Capturing thoughts and feelings leading to clarity through writing or audio.
Visualization: Share the positive outcomes experienced, such as reduced anxiety and increased focus.
The Rise of Plant-Based Diets
Diets and nutrition in general are controversial topics. Honestly, one diet does not fit all and that's okay but the one thing that is scientifically proven about diets is that the Western, or American, diet is not optimal for longevity. Eating a diet filled with processed foods, refined sugars, and added ingredients has been clinically shown to have negative effects on one's body. However, there is one diet that has been said to be beneficial to the body through multiple different scientific methods and that's the Mediterranean diet.
According to Harvard Health, "The Mediterranean diet has been shown in both large population studies and randomized clinical trials to reduce risk of heart disease, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, certain cancers (specifically colon, breast, and prostate cancer), depression, and in older adults, a decreased risk of frailty, along with better mental and physical function."
What is the Mediterranean diet?
Harvard Health explains the diet as rich in vegetables, legumes, fruits, whole grains, nuts, seeds, poultry, fish, and olive oil, and it's associated with lower risks for heart disease and diabetes. Therefore, leaning towards a more plant-based diet has improved those clinical markers that we want to improve. With that being said, where you get your produce, meat, and grains matters because a lot of ours in America are processed. Make sure to read the ingredients and do your research. Other helpful tips include:
Reading labels
Buying from local, organic, and farm fresh places
Enjoy the farmer's market
Stay clear of processed foods
Make sure meats are sustainable, farm-raised, treated well, and pasteurized
Always wash your fruits and vegetables with a special wash of vinegar, water, and baking soda
Try to buy nuts, seeds, and legumes that are raw and soaked.
Eating this way does not have to be difficult. Remember the simpler the better. The more farm-to-table foods the better.
Fitness Trends That Energized

There is not one right way to work out. Media may tell you otherwise but any movement is amazing for the body. With that being said you may want to take into account your daily activities and the aging process.
Strength training. You should incorporate some strength training into your exercise routine. Lifting weights helps bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. It also aids in muscular strength and helps with balance. Two times per week is enough for your body to feel the effects it needs to feel, but increasing to 3-4x per week is optimal.
Endurance. You can choose any type of cardio you would like but you need to move. Cardiovascular exercise improves heart strength, lowers blood pressure, reduces LDL levels, increases oxygen intake, and helps keep heart disease at bay. The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity cardio per week.
Flexibility: stretching helps to decrease the risk of injury, helps with stress, improves posture, and alleviates muscular soreness.
All these bullet points are important for the body but take it one step at a time and don't feel like you need to incorporate each of these all of these all at once.
Holistic Approaches to Health
Holistic health is more about looking at the big picture when it comes to health practices so it includes all those components discussed at the beginning of the post. It also encompasses alternative therapies like yoga, acupuncture, supplements, herbs, and mindfulness practices that a Western medical professional would not address.
Aromatherapy: Using scents for relaxation and emotional balance.
Yoga: Discovering flexibility and inner peace through practice.
Supplements and Herbs: using natural elements from the Earth to heal the body
Acupuncture: used to treat pain that doesn't require pharmaceuticals.
Massage and reflexology: applying pressure to parts of the body to lessen main and improve joint mobility, muscle soreness, and tension.
The Social Connection Factor
Social health is really important. To feel connected, wanted, and a part of something greater generates a sense of accomplishment and pride. Feeling great about oneself leads to more confidence, happier connections, a feeling of worth, and companionship.
Technology Worth the Price
There are so many apps and wonderful fitness/nutritional/wellness professionals at the tip of your fingers these days and that's such a powerful feeling. Using Fitbit, Apple Health, and Garmin watches and rings can be beneficial in tracking fitness, sleep, nutritional habits, and menstrual cycles. and, moods. This is important because you can see the positives and the trouble areas. Our favorite apps include:
Flo-menstrual cycles
Apple Health over Health app
MyFitnessPal-nutrition tracker
Talkspace-therapy services
Wellness Trends Come and Go, But Health is Forever
There is a lot of information in this post, but what I can tell you as a mom, teacher, and health professional is that taking care of yourself is crucial to longevity. Who doesn't want to be there for their kids as they age? If we can control it, we should! The takeaways are this:
Put some mindfulness into your week whether it's a quiet space, meditation, journaling, or just taking a walking meditation.
Eat more from the Earth, but make sure to wash it.
Start some holistic practices. An easy one to start with is supplements. Omega 3's, B12, Vitamin C, and D, as well as a great probiotic, are great places to start.
Have meaningful conversations and fun with family and friends.
Use technology for tracking and reminding.
These wellness trends have always been around but they are forever changing the way we see them. It's important to understand that the actual trend is the bones but they keep growing and we just have to decipher what's important for us and what's not.
Stay healthy!
